INDECENT DRESSING: A SOCIAL AND SOCIETY MALADY (A must-read Article for all Students)

By: Samuel Iyiola "The way we present ourselves has an impact on how we feel, think, act, and how other people perceive us." Deborah Rasband Indecent or bizarre clothing, sometimes known as "dress to kill", is very common among young people today. Youths engage in the social phenomena of indecent dressing. It simply refers to exposing one's body to the public on purpose. In actuality, this practice does not follow the values-based norms of society, especially in African society. Some people define indecent dressing as exposing bodily parts that ought to be covered while wearing clothing. Others may define it as putting on clothes that are too short or too revealing. The majority of assaults and sexual harassment cases that have been reported in society over the years have been directly related to indecent dressing, which is against the accepted standards and values of the community. Do you notice that, as a result of civilization, the majority of kids have ...