INDECENT DRESSING: A SOCIAL AND SOCIETY MALADY (A must-read Article for all Students)

 By: Samuel Iyiola

"The way we present ourselves has an impact on how we feel, think, act, and how other people perceive us." Deborah Rasband

Indecent or bizarre clothing, sometimes known as "dress to kill", is very common among young people today. Youths engage in the social phenomena of indecent dressing. It simply refers to exposing one's body to the public on purpose. In actuality, this practice does not follow the values-based norms of society, especially in African society.

Some people define indecent dressing as exposing bodily parts that ought to be covered while wearing clothing. Others may define it as putting on clothes that are too short or too revealing. 

The majority of assaults and sexual harassment cases that have been reported in society over the years have been directly related to indecent dressing, which is against the accepted standards and values of the community.

Do you notice that, as a result of civilization, the majority of kids have gone crazy about this dressing? Nigerian women attend events half-naked, which goes against the high regard that is given to African women. For instance, women in Nigeria enjoy donning immodest clothing, such as armless, little skirts, bumper shorts, etc.

Dressing in a way that is frowned upon by parents, society, and religion is not civilized. Your appearance communicates whether or not you will be valued. "There are places for you to be energetic, vibrant, and beautiful in both your clothes and in your behavior within the Lord's principles". according to a comment by Thomas S. Monson about immodest dressing.

Different clothing trends, such as the low waist, the hot bosom, the sagging, etc., are popular today. In the name of fashion, the majority of young people today stroll the streets wearing torn clothing and half-naked.

On one occasion, I was horrified and yelled when I saw a lady who is still in her parents' custody dressed with half of her breast and buttocks exposed, with beads and heavy makeup on her face. I was depressed and inconsolable when I heard her mother tell her that "have a nice day, my child."

Most parents' support for these immoral and indecent acts is lugubrious, melancholy, and barbaric because I fail to see why a child from a nice household should maintain dreadlocks, get his ears pierced, wear an indecent outfit, or expose a portion of his body that is meant to be covered, all in the name of fashion.

Some teenage girls and ladies have been raped and humiliated. Unfortunately, the majority of women have experienced sexual assault because of their garb and extravagant attire. Due to their inappropriate attire, many innocent men have been detained alongside armed robbers. As a result, most young people have lost their self-respect and dignity. Holly Summerall said that "Guys would be forced to appreciate girls if more girls began to value themselves. Acting like a rock and expecting to be treated like a diamond are incompatible."

Indecent attire has also evolved into a frequent and accepted phenomenon among celebrities, especially artists. On stage, this group of individuals tried to stand out in a way that resulted in them engaging in foolish behavior. 

They dress in worn-out, hole-filled jeans, and tight-fitting shirts and some even go so far as to wear regular pants on stage. All these actions are to be blamed for the rise of juvenile delinquency in our society. The majority of young children who have early sex do so as a result of what they see on television and what they observe among their older siblings.

The indecent dressing has become a habit embraced by all ages in society. Both children and adults have been taught visually. Who are we to blame for all of this social malady? the government, the Society, the Parents, or the Peer groups?

Additionally, this practice has reached out to places of worship. However, both Nigeria's two main religions which are Islam and Christianity completely forbid immorality. Even while many clergymen work hard to put an end to this immorality, there isn't much to get excited about. The main reason for many assaults that have been reported in society is indecency. For instance, indecent dressing is the sole cause of the frequent rape incidents in India.

Numerous students on the campuses of Nigerian higher education institutions tend to dress indecently. In this country, it is rare for a higher education institution to be free of this immoral practice of ladies dressing in miniskirts that expose some of their desirable body parts, including the lower half of their breasts. Due to their offensive appearances as hooligans, innocent young boys have been subject to arrest.

The more frequently these students mix with undesirable friends, the more abruptly they alter their appearance, especially for ladies. Therefore, it is not entirely the fault of such parents. On the other side, some parents choose to dress inappropriately. How are they supposed to stop their kids from doing that? These parents will even urge their kids to go to parties. While others even purchase similar clothing for their kids as though there is nothing wrong with such attire.

All these immoral acts are taking place in a country that is rich in diverse cultures and traditions; it is sad to see these cultures and traditions going into extinction. Nigerians find it challenging to wear their traditional clothing because it is now viewed as "old,  antiquated and archaic"

There are many strategies to dramatically reduce inappropriate clothing in society to at least a minimal level.

Parents should constantly act as role models for their children by dressing modestly and not letting them do everything they want. Religious experts should also continue preaching non-stop, particularly in institutions of higher education.

The media should likewise exercise its social responsibilities by educating young people about the value of decency and the consequences of immoral behavior. Campus brigades should also be established to monitor students' attire.

This will quickly lower the prevalence of inappropriate attire and appearance not just in our Universities, Polytechnics, and colleges of Education but also throughout the entire Society.



  1. Good write-up, augment the morale and keep the fire 🔥 burning.


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