WOULD YOU LIVE IN GRUDGE RATHER THAN FORGIVENESS? [A must-read Article for every Individual]

By: Boluwaji Daso “When you hold a grudge, you want someone else’s sorrow to reflect your level of hurt but too rarely” Steve Maraboli Welcome to the generation of big men and big women, proud boys and lofty girls, the period when resentment was the preferred method of resolving disputes. In reality, many people prefer holding grudges to resolving conflicts with one another. Welcome to a generation where as a result of selfishness, holding grudges has become a disease that has infected many people's body and spiritual systems. Harboring resentment has had a fatal ailment that many people have been suffering from, and it has eaten deeply into the hearts and souls of many individuals, even so-called "Christians and Muslims" in modern society. Imagine a church's pastor, who is regarded as a “spiritual father” by thousands of Christians, refusing to break the habit of harboring resentment toward other church members due to misunderstandings. What kind of legacy is thi...