A TALKER OR A DOER; WHICH IS WHICH? {A must read Article}

By: Emmanuel Olaoye 

Who is a Talker?

“person who talks a lot, too much, or in a particular way: He's more of a talker than a doer, which is why he never finishes anything” Cambridge dictionary 

Who is a doer? 

“a person who acts rather than merely talking or thinking” Wikipedia 

In this article, I will be deliberating on a topic stated as, A talker, or a doer; which is which?

In allusion to one of the fables of Aesop 'who will bell the cat' which goes thus "There was a devilish sly cat, it seems in a certain house and the mice were so plagued with her at every turn that they called a court to counsel them upon someways to intercept them from being surprised.

 If you will be ruled by me, says a member of the board, there's nothing like hanging a bell about the cat's neck to give warning beforehand when a puss is a-coming. They all looked upon it as the best contrivance that the case would bear, well says another, and now we are agreed upon who shall put it about the cat's neck? There was nobody that would undertake it, and so the expedient fell to the ground.The moral lesson of the fable state that the boldest talkers are not always the greatest doers.

In an interview with some resident of Ibadan south east local government area of Oyo state, a respondent who identified himself as Adekunle says, that a talker is a person that seems to know the solution to everything or has a great techniques on how to accomplish a task, he also stated further that a talker mind is filled with rebuttal and that talking is a foil for procrastination. 

Another respondent, Akeem Olajide responded that a Doer is a person who carries out task rather than thinking about it latter complications that may arise, he also stated that talkers are people that talks all the way but they cannot get anything done." most talkers want to do things but they never do; they either live in the past or in the future " he quoted._ 

Another respondent who identified herself as Caro proclaims that Nigerian politicians are the  definition of talkers, she said they are expected to be doers which they are not. Furthermore, she summed up that talkers are doers of vanity.

In a contrary view, Oluwatobi Akinloye who is an entrepreneur says being an ordinary talker or a Doer is meaningless, he further clarified that a talker only talks whether sensibly or insensitive and an ordinary Doer only carries out tasks without thinking. He acclaimed outlying that every human being should be both a talker and a doer simultaneously when attending to matters. He also added that sometimes a doer might be seen as someone who takes an active part in carrying out tasks  but it is not always so.

However, for You to become  a good ‘talker’, You are envisioned to put yourself in people's shoes, endeavor to avoid judgements or assumptions, remember not to be general when speaking as it is very important to think about time and place when speaking while one evolves a good listener. 

And for the term ‘doer’, the first tip to accomplish a task is to make sure you really want to do a task, also make an effort to surround yourself with doers, learn to balance needs and wants and most importantly a doer must make effective use of time

The Holy Bible in [ James chapter 1verse 22 ] also urged us to be doers

Who would you choose to be? A Doer or A Talker?  it is up to you.


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