By: Boluwaji Daso

“What you do makes a Difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make”  Jane Goodall

Did you even know that being M.A.D is quite different from being insane?

Honestly, this is a kind of question people asked when they are angry at someone, It might even be to their favourite individual. Numerous people see this question as a means of alleviating their outrage, But realistically, this question is quite different from the general question people asked when they're furious. 

In a world that constantly demands our attention, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the atrocity of the problems we face. Poverty, inequality, and countless other issues that plague our societies, leaving us wondering if our individual efforts can truly make a difference. Yet amidst the mess, it's crucial to acknowledge that even the smallest actions can create an absolute difference.

What exactly is an absolute difference? Sometimes,  It's that moment when you step out of your comfort zone and extend a helping hand to someone in need. It's the act of spreading kindness, compassion, and empathy in a world that often seems barren of them. It may also be standing up for what you believe in, even when it feels like you're just a drop in the ocean.

Moreso, When you asked the question "ARE YOU M.A.D", it's often affirmed by a nasty reaction which could be through facial expression, bad signals of body language and many more. Being M.A.D is not a mental ailment or someone exhibiting lunatic on the roadway, rather it is a question asked when an individual or group of people couldn't acknowledge changes in their businesses, Academics, any kind of occupations and many more. 

Do you even know that Every absolute difference starts with a single decision? It could be as simple as voluntarily partaking or donating to a charitable reason, or participating in a community cleanup. These plainly trivial actions have a ripple effect that extends far beyond their initial impact. By taking the initiative to make a change, you inspire others to do the same. Your actions become a motivation for transformation, kindling a flame of hope that can spread throughout your community and beyond.

Apparently, the expression M.A.D simply means "MAKING ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE"

It seems awful when you hear the word M.A.D because it's a familiar statement that negates one's personality and it's a word that often heeds by a mean Attitude. 

Making an absolute difference may be by achieving a specific goal, realising your greatness among a multitude of individuals, Orchestrating plans to succeed among others, developing high dexterities academically and a lot more.

It's important to remember that making an absolute difference doesn't always require grand gestures. Because even the smallest acts of kindness can have a profound impact on someone's life. A genuine smile, a listening ear, or a comforting word can provide solace to those who feel alone or forgotten. By showing compassion and empathy, we create a ripple effect that reaches far beyond our immediate surroundings.

Similarly, Every parent needs to challenge themselves if they are making an absolute difference in the lives of their children. Many parents have relinquished the keys to a thriving training skill because of pampering. How about wealthy parents who don't know how to correct their children whenever they make mistakes?

Are parents seeing their youngsters if they are also as competent as their mates in class? Because nowadays we live in a generation whereby Rich kids depends on their parent's achievement rather than making ways for themselves to be successful alike.

In a world that often calls attention to individualism and self-interest, it's easy to underestimate the power of our collective actions. But every positive change, no matter how small, contributes to a larger shade of transformation. Each absolute difference made by an individual or a group weaves together to create a brighter, more compassionate world.

As a Student, Making an Absolute Difference among your colleagues simply means, having good grades, asking questions in class, answering questions In class, participating in social/class activities, Becoming an idea generator, etc

You can also make a difference when you partake in intellectual activities or join a club (TUTORIAL) on campus, Although, many students err to join their colleagues in any academic club on campus because of the sociable lifestyle they desired to live a lot of students strives for pleasure by taking part in STUDENTS NIGHT PARTIES, STUDENTS STRIPPERS NIGHT, STUDENTS DJ's NIGHT 


They aspire to additional merriment in that social lifestyle that adds no value to their lives on Campus. As a result of this, many students find it complicated to assimilate a line sentence into what they've been taught in class. How about reading they find it very difficult because of their inability to participate in campus helping clubs (TUTORIAL) which have been more beneficial to their colleagues even before they start the examination. Now if I may ask, what difference did you make when you don't have an excellent result to show forth? 

As a student, when you start making an absolute difference, people around you will start bullying you, taking an advantage of you, castigating abuses on you and so on which would almost change your mindset but in reality, they want you to backslide. However, When you have a solid determination they will all wish to make a difference just like you accomplished when they see your incredible result.

Do you even know that when you start making an absolute difference academically, people start calling you honorary names like academic juggernauts, Achebe of our time, Shakespeare, wole soyinka, and many more? Less did you know that the whole world (AGBAYE) will commemorate you because they understand that making an absolute difference In any area of specialization is the fact yesterday, today, and forever. 

Are you a professor or a lecturer in a respective institution, how well did you orchestrate your teaching/lecture skills? How well did your students comprehend your lectures? How well do your students pass your course after their examination? Sardonically, If a lecturer's course in a distinctive department has the highest rate of student failure, there is a problem somewhere. 

If a Lecturer is making an absolute difference among his or her colleagues, the performance and rate of students' success in his or her examination will be commended, because it shows that, those students frankly understood their lectures during the class period. However, as a Lecturer, are you Making an Absolute Difference?

In the field of Journalism, there are specialities you require to be brightened up to. Are you a journalist or an aspiring journalist? If Yes then, do you even know that discovering Journalism without retaining a substantial concept of the ethics steering it, is like dubbing yourself an educated individual without providing a diploma to showcase. Journalism is presided by a cliff of ethical norms: its scope, references with the widespread and administration! As a functioning journalist, you'll need to understand a lot of specialities.

Typically, Simplicity is expected to be the bedrock of every journalistic writing, because this profession, is not about going to the field just to catch sight of the event or writing a story that your audience cannot comprehend. Preferably, it is about building up an exquisite experience of the event, making use of the best-fit language your audience can best understand, writing an attractive and understandable stories on the occurrence and reporting the story through mass media to create awareness for your audience is your job. As a Journalist, you are regarded as the voice of the voiceless, the Eyes of the blind, and the ear of the deaf. What difference are you making if you are not in the known of the do's and don't and other principles guiding Journalism?

Journalism is a profession of Objectivity and its ethics is absolutely what makes it simply distinct from unprofessional Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media bloggers who receive brown envelopes from suspected victims in other to report biased or untrue stories through the service of the technology. Are you making an absolute difference while reporting ethically as a journalist? 

Developmentally, Same is applicable to a business owners, Are you an Entrepreneur? If yes then, where is your pride when your business-related firms stand above you in the hierarchy? How else do you want your consumer or even prospective patron to be proud of your business when your organization has no distinguishable business strategy from other business-related companies? People want to always experience new things so that they can stay inspired and determined. Are you Making an Absolute Difference as a businessman?

The same is true in the agricultural sector, stunning yields are the contentment of an agriculturalist. what will you say when your end-of-year Harvest is deficient? What difference did you make while orchestrating your plans and planting before the rearing of your crops? What will be your profit when your harvests are erroneously described with that of your coworkers? therefore, inspire yourself that you can make progress by staging reasonable agendas that people around you or far from you won't raise a question about why you are not Making an Absolute Difference in your speciality.

In a similar vein, we've all caught a glimpse that, being M.A.D is not contemplating insanity.  relatively, it's a term that redrafts or awakens the dignity of an individual to take custody of his/her position. Correspondingly, we've all noticed that there is a necessity to Make an absolute Difference Regardless of what you might be engaged to.

So, are you making an absolute difference? The answer lies within you. Embrace your unique abilities, passions, and values, and find ways to channel them into positive action. Never and ever underestimate the impact of your choices and the potential they hold to inspire others. Remember, the journey towards change begins with a single step, but it's the collective footsteps that pave the way for an absolute difference.

Therefore, why don't you Inspect your circle of buddies, associates etc and simplify to visualize yourself differently so that you can become indisputable in your area of specialization. Thus, When you're positively distinguishable from others, you're advising the world that you might not be ideal in every pattern but undoubtedly, a multitude will certainly boast incredibly and confidentially about you no matter what. Because, YOU ARE & HAVE MAKE AN ABSOLUTE DIFFERENCE [M.A.D]


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