Op-Ed: Tolerance And Good Governance Are A Panacea To Sociopolitical and Economic Growth in Nigeria

 By: Boluwaji Daso

“Good Governance is treating development as a mass movement in other to see that fruits of development reach the poor and the downtrodden”-Narendra Modi

The sociopolitical and economic problems in Nigeria may undoubtedly be addressed with tolerance and decent administration. 

Nigeria is one of the most populous nations in all of Africa and is endowed with abundant mineral wealth, but what can a man do when the nation descends into chaos as a result of kidnapping, arm robbery, terrorism, Boko-haram threats, and other issues brought on by poor governance? 

Realistically, Nigeria is one of the most endowed nations with an abundance of natural and people resources, yet a few years after its independence, the nation was egregiously underdeveloped and held a key position in the world's poverty. 

To address Nigeria's political and economic problems, on the other hand, good governance is essential. Transparency, responsibility, the application of the law, and citizen participation are characteristics of good government. When these values are respected, the government may efficiently manage public resources, deliver public services, and foster a business-friendly climate. By doing so, you can increase economic growth, lower poverty, and generate employment.

I shall discuss tolerance and effective leadership as a solution to Nigeria's sociopolitical and economic issues in this post. 

 First off, what do you mean by good governance?

Its Economic development, political stability, and security all depend on effective governance at all levels. In a globalized society, good governance enhances economic rewards and speeds up business interactions.

Because people in democratic countries learn to exercise their rights (such as casting ballots) and in the process listen to other viewpoints, democracy may help foster friendly sentiments and favourable attitudes toward outgroups. 

However, a nation devoid of democracy and a capable ruler is destined to stalemate and descend into disorder. If Nigeria as a nation wanted to have a high standard of life, it shouldn't be reliant on the calibre of its leaders. Because to function, hardworking leaders must possess a very high level of honesty and patriotism if a nation is to be successful. 

In particular, the issue with Nigeria leaders is controlled by a small group of individuals who brainwash their followers, siphon off public funds that might aid in the nation's growth, and who also have several jackpot accounts around the globe while the majority of the population lives in destitution.  

Nigeria must have leaders who have kicked the habit of avarice, nepotism, and other negative behaviours if it is to possibly improve. Additionally, the functioning of the nation's economy is directly impacted by the absence of unity of purpose in the government. Imagine how corruption has impeded economic progress and how it lowers economic efficiency and development despite the vast resources in the country. This is another aspect of Nigeria's corruption that has been analyzed and has made it look even worse.

Rich people and material resources abound in Nigeria, demanding to be used by purposeful, resourceful, and creative leadership. However, if poor leaders continue to gain control and refuse to fight corruption in the nation, it could result in disaster, thuggery, kidnapping, theft, burglary, and many other crimes.   

Similarly to this, Nigeria needs to see examples of tolerance and good governance from the leaders who serve as the backbone of the masses. One of the crucial components of economic growth in Nigeria is agricultural production, which can be encouraged if there is effective administration in the nation. Additionally, allowing youth to use their abilities in conjunction with their Divine talent can help with sociopolitical and economic problems.

A varied society like Nigeria's, where various ethnic, religious, and cultural groups coexist, requires tolerance. Tolerance of one another allows people and groups to live in harmony and cooperate for the achievement of shared objectives without worrying about prejudice or violent conflict. As a result, there may be increased social cohesiveness, economic prosperity, and political stability.

In a similar vein, even if tolerance and effective leadership might not be able to address all of Nigeria's socio-political and economic issues, they can undoubtedly contribute to the development of a more tranquil, stable, and affluent country.


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