Amidst OSPOLY ASUP Strike: Students Decry Persistent Academic Suspension

By: Boluwaji Daso

Students at the Osun State Polytechnic, OSPOLY, Iree, have decried the unexpected suspension of academic activities by the management of the institution

Some of the students of the institution took to their social media platforms to express displeasure over the suspended academic activities specifically the Daily Part Time Program ongoing examination by the Ospoly management in a couple of days following the Asup's Protest over the suspension of Dr. Tajudeen Odewale as the institution's Rector. 

NEB had earlier reported about the memo made available by the institution management today which noted that  “All Non-Teaching Staff Members report to the office unfailingly on Monday, 31st July 2023” without the memo attributing if the ongoing examination will proceed on Monday or not.  

The concerned students who preferred the continuation of the ongoing examination after attaining the memo today which was signed by Mrs. F.O Apara for the Acting Registrar, however, stressed that the management didn't mentioned the continuation of the exams but only ordered the Non-teaching staff members to resume on Monday.

Moreover, the student while expressing their frustration noted that the institution management should resolve the issue with them and the government for the first-semester examination to pick up where it was left off.  

“The school management just they play with our career, this break wey we get no suppose happen to students since it was between the government and the management”

“Even the memo that they posted today doesn’t even talk about our exam sef, when are we commencing what we’ve started”

“Heey, Ospoly mapami naw, are we going to continue our exams on Monday? Am getting fed up oo”

In a similar vein, the affected students who expressed worries on their social media platforms and ask multiple questions if the examination will proceed on Monday, 31st of July, 2023, or not demand swift solutions to the problem unsolved


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